Track folders group multiple audio, bus, instrument tracks, and other track folders. A track folder functions as a sub mix or bus for its child tracks. Track folders can also be used to manage and organize your project.
You can nest track folders up to five levels deep, and each folder can contain an unlimited number of tracks, but when exporting to BandLab, each main track folder exports as a single audio file.
Inserting a track folder
To insert a track folder track, do one of the following:
- Click the Insert Track button [+] , then select Track Folder
- Select Insert > Insert Track Folder
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+G (Windows) / CMD+SHIFT+G (Mac)
Placing tracks into a new track folder
- CMD or CRTL select the tracks you want to group
- Click Edit, select Move to Track Folder, or press CTRL+G (Windows) / CMD+G (Mac).
Placing tracks into an existing track folder
- Select the tracks you want to move to a folder
- Drag any of the selected tracks into the folder
Removing tracks from Track Folders
To remove tracks from a track folder, drag the tracks out of the folder, or if you'd like to remove all tracks from a track folder, select the track folder and go to Edit Remove From Folder, or press CTRL+U (Windows) / CMD+U (Mac).
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